Saturday, March 13, 2004

okay, this may seem like your typical blog from an angsty, superficially shallow teenager who is to some extent, suicidal. well, it isn't like that. i am not angsty -- although a little understanding can never hurt -- and neither am i shallow (at least, i hope not) and ican't even get a papercut without swooning. suicide is way beyond my capabilities, and besides, why kill yourself when ther is always the possibility that some european prince will see you and fall head over hells in love with you?

which is besides the point... as the title of this entry so clearly states, i m in dire need of help. i need to be in contact of any new york natives who live/d in any part of the state for this research on a book i am writing, about a malaysian girl (who adores justin timberlake and sue townsend) who travels to the US for the first time (mucho like me) and goes to NY and meets this guy. that is as far as my ludicrous plot goes. it is so hard to find good travelling books in my town, and i have never travelled beyond singapore, which isn't really travelling because of course, a) i was four and clueless and b) a bridge adjoins malaysia to singapore so it's not that far and doesn't constitute travelling overseas, really.

i need people to tell me the best part about new york, and their favourite, unique place to hang out. please... my future depends on it. well, not really. i am going to study law, but writing is my ultimate dream. and all those who answer back will be duly noted, should ever any publisher have enough confidence in me to put my work in print.

please.... my email is

this has been a rant by Syazwina Saw at 3:59 pm